pixel's deck debugging

Alright, so, I've installed 0.1.0 gnome-deck, and I'm now just going to run yofti with the default options picked--this does include Gamescope Autologin and Auto-Start Steam I'm not going to install any Flatpaks right now either Change my Gnome theme, finish setup Steam automatically opens, lets let that finish installing going to thread this to keep from flooding channel
93 Replies
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
before I reboot, I did check--gnome-autologin is enabled, gamescope-autologin is disabled. I didn't make changes here, just systemctl status now let's shut down from the menu and see if Gnome loads. Power off and Plymouth looks good...correct orientation yotil...doubled the number of grub entries... Plymouth doesn't seem to be working? grey 3 dots sideways, not fancy Steam logo and ring. But hey, Gnome...but now it's doing the thing the installer was doing? The system can see the display is there but isn't able to use it? amdgpu loaded... odd mind, I think yotil didn't actually do anything, since I think the sub-menu items are left unchecked / inactive by default even though the toggles are On? This has only broken rebooting when I explicitly turned each toggle off, then on seems the display issues are related to the hub I'm using, actually I'm also having issues hitting the ethernet chipset odd--pulled power out of the hub and reconnected it all and it seems to have sorted that?
yotil didn't do anything by default
mind, the console log was empty
EyeCantCU2y ago
This is all so weird. Can you get me rpm-ostree status and the contents of /etc/grub/default?
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
yeah give me a few minutes to get discord on the deck and whatnot
EyeCantCU2y ago
Awesome. Thank you
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
plymouth working this time? odd and it initialized the external display this boot fuckin linux man
[deck@fedora ~]$ rpm-ostree status
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: inactive
Digest: sha256:2c5d5ce04c7bf2172b5655a99fabb200f65b97f316ed89614df014ba6c5f2c84
Version: 38.20230807.0 (2023-08-07T19:50:58Z)
LayeredPackages: langpacks-en

Digest: sha256:2c5d5ce04c7bf2172b5655a99fabb200f65b97f316ed89614df014ba6c5f2c84
Version: 38.20230807.0 (2023-08-07T19:50:58Z)
[deck@fedora ~]$ rpm-ostree status
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: inactive
Digest: sha256:2c5d5ce04c7bf2172b5655a99fabb200f65b97f316ed89614df014ba6c5f2c84
Version: 38.20230807.0 (2023-08-07T19:50:58Z)
LayeredPackages: langpacks-en

Digest: sha256:2c5d5ce04c7bf2172b5655a99fabb200f65b97f316ed89614df014ba6c5f2c84
Version: 38.20230807.0 (2023-08-07T19:50:58Z)
bash-5.2# cat /etc/default/grub
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
bash-5.2# cat /etc/default/grub
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
I didn't want to send this as text but it won't let me attach this
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
oh cool, pasting it just---whatever Drag grub.cfg.txt in and it's like HOW DARE YOU but copy the contents of grub.cfg into your pasteboard and try to send it as a code block and it's like "that's too much text here's a text file snippit" make up your MIND discord @EyeCantCU as you requested
termdisc2y ago
the first part is likely just flatpak permissions
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
ah true yeah I was surprised drag and drop even worked Interesting--Yofti is only in the Activities button menu? and when not in OOBE mode, it tries to install the Arch container?
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
lets see
No description
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
cool, yeah that was flatpak permissions
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
ah, helps to spell yafti right
No description
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
still, launching it gives me the Arch variant, which wasn't the same as what it presented during OOBE, and I'm just unsure if that's intentional or not disabling that and continuing gets me to the typical configuration page Oh, no, this is different. Less.
EyeCantCU2y ago
This is intended. Yafti should work with the latest release. Maybe that's why the options never took effect. I look at your grub config and it looks vanilla without the changes that are supposed to be made Now that Yafti is actually displaying properly give it a go and see what happens Wait... Why do you have the desktop yafti config on the Deck image Or are you using both?
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
No yeah that's what I was saying downloaded 0.1.0, booted gnome-deck oobe was yafti for deck now yafti is showing the desktop config I have ran rpm-ostree update but that's it and it said no updates available I figured once you realized that you'd be confused too, yeah
EyeCantCU2y ago
OH I know why One second
EyeCantCU2y ago
fix(deck): Copy yafti config to /etc by EyeCantCU · Pull Request #1...
We had been doing this for desktop but not the Deck so the Deck would launch the right config at boot but not by the shortcut
EyeCantCU2y ago
Found out why you get a black screen @pixelperfect1
# Janky workaround for wayland sessions not stopping in sddm, kills
# all active sddm-helper sessions on teardown
# Janky workaround for wayland sessions not stopping in sddm, kills
# all active sddm-helper sessions on teardown
This junk ^ Don't need it Only used for Plasma Wayland Will retain it in KDE, remove it for GNOME But short term, you can try removing that From /etc/sddm.conf.d/steamos.conf
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
It’s there in stock steamOS X11 plasma too, actually. It’s for game scope since it’s Wayland It normally isn’t there for plasma, yeah, but is there for gamescope Check steamos-session-select The script writes to the sddm configuration last I checked
EyeCantCU2y ago
This is unrelated. I swear if you remove that from your conf, it will work. I just tested it. It's only used for Plasma, and isn't dependent on session select Or does Plasma have the same problem? The file explicitly breaks down KWin
termdisc2y ago
I had a similar black screen when trying to boot into autostarted gamescope from bazzite kde.
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
that line is only present in the gamescope stopcommand on vanilla stock, sorry
EyeCantCU2y ago
Hmm... It turns out now I have a black scren when trying to boot
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
That’s why I’m telling you to review session select
EyeCantCU2y ago
I didn't change anything there but I'll look It worked up to today Even last night
termdisc2y ago
I picked the worst time to do a reinstall 😄
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
Yeah one of the start scripts is probably rebuilding that file on boot if you’re keeping any steamOS internals
EyeCantCU2y ago
Looking into it It looks like gamescope-session is broke
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2y ago
Might have an idea Hold on Latest build has this fixed @termdisc @pixelperfect1
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
Just ostree update and open…yafti?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2y ago
yeah, you might not even need to do the latter black screen is fixed
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
grabbing layers. Couple gigs oof.
termdisc2y ago
nice thanks! time to reinstall bazzite-deck-gnome
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
downgraded gamescope-session, it claims. rebooted and my dongle is being weird again, but it'll probably be fine next boot it launched Yofti automatically, in the Deck OOBE I'mma laugh when "hide GRUB" and "update kernel parameters" just adds two more grub entries without actuallly hiding GRUB
EyeCantCU2y ago
I'm still confused what's going on here with this one
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
Rebooted after all that and I’m in Gamescope now and it’s actually installing unlike Nobara
EyeCantCU2y ago
Any weird problems with GRUB or are those gone too? That's great to hear btw!
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
Silent, Plymouth worked
EyeCantCU2y ago
Sweeeet I think this wraps it 🙂
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
After gamescope installed it rebooted again and Plymouth is still working as is my dock ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ switch to desktop and I'm in GNOME 🥰 beautiful perfect Now, just to enable gnome-wayland-session steam keyboard be damned
EyeCantCU2y ago
Unfortunately I don't think you're going to have a nice time with that. One shot has been configured to use X11
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
because like, right now, waydroid is kinda useless? I guess you could bootstrap it through weston?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2y ago
Waydroid is there just to be there, eventually we'll have it set up to do exactly what you mentioned via weston and run native in gamescope until valve can finish wayland support
EyeCantCU2y ago
To expand on that, Steam Input on the desktop is broken under Wayland
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
I mean like, I could just modify the script that updates the session file
sudo su
nano /etc/sddm.conf.d/zz.steamos-autologin.conf
systemctl restart sddm
sudo su
nano /etc/sddm.conf.d/zz.steamos-autologin.conf
systemctl restart sddm
EyeCantCU2y ago
You'd need to change the session selector /usr/bin/steamos-session-select But not possible
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
hmm. I might put something in like, my xsession then? basically tell x to kill itself
EyeCantCU2y ago
If you don't care to use gamescope session, you can just outright disable gamescope-autologin and boot to the DM
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
I like using gamescope session, though
EyeCantCU2y ago
You're stuck with X11 :/
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
I will hack this together I will get this working damnit xdddd
EyeCantCU2y ago
I guess I could source a conf file somewhere in /etc
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
EyeCantCU2y ago
No That's not editable
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
EyeCantCU2y ago
Bazzite is immutable
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2y ago
GitHub - open-sd/opensd: An open-source Linux userspace driver for ...
An open-source Linux userspace driver for Valve's Steam Deck hardware. This is a mirror from gitlab. Please submit issues and PRs @ https://gitlab.com/open-sd/opensd - GitHub - open-sd/op...
EyeCantCU2y ago
Meaning it wouldn't be possible for a user to change it there
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2y ago
You'd have to fork it and manage your own image Very easy to do There's an open source driver for input on sd You'll need it for a Wayland session And you'll likely need to set up something that unloads it in gamescope
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
I'm literally in wayland rn
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2y ago
Either that or make a new image that is FROM bazzite-gnome-deck
EyeCantCU2y ago
Switching back and forth won't be seamless but it's there
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
it won't persist once that script is ran, yeah, but that's why I'm considering adding something to my .xsession file since that should be started with x but not wayland so I could tell x to rewrite the config when it starts, then restart into wayland--couple extra seconds but not a huge deal and it stays in userspace we won't talk about the security implications of my .xsession file having sudo access or whatever it's ugly but for now
EyeCantCU2y ago
Lol I'm not sure if that would work or not but it's worth a try You know... It wouldn't be hard to make this configurable Could introduce /etc/default/desktop_session and have DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome-xorg by default with an option in Yafti to use Wayland if the user wants
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2y ago
Feel free to make that change but let's keep it out of yafti until it's stable upstream
EyeCantCU2y ago
All right. I'll go for it
termdisc2y ago
just started a fresh install and have a few errors in the yafti console that may be worth checking out I'll upload after I get webcord installed
EyeCantCU2y ago
@pixelperfect1 update to the latest image and use sudo just --unstable _toggle_wayland Works perfectly. Don't even need to reboot You do need to switch back to gamescope and back to the desktop though (or I guess reboot - either way)
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
Man I was just sitting down and digging into rpm-ostree and how to bake my own overlay image thank you lol the steamos-session-select file almost looks like setting up ~/.config/steamos-session-type would just...make it work, but I don't think so? grabbing that new update now
EyeCantCU2y ago
Nah, that file temporarily stores the session name
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
just noticed on deck Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora-cisco-openh264 fedora-modular updates-modular updates fedora rpmfusion-free-updates rpmfusion-free rpmfusion-nonfree-updates rpmfusion-nonfree rpmfusion-nonfree-steam google-chrome copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:phracek:PyCharm rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver updates-archive nvidia repo is enabled? there's two files in .config, one is created, the other is read
EyeCantCU2y ago
Yup, but the one you mentioned gets removed by oneshot binary (or at least it does for Plasma)
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
Oddly, that just...always forces me into Gnome Wayland? even when I try to switch to gamescope
EyeCantCU2y ago
The toggle or changing the file?
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
rpm-ostree update; reboot sudo just; reboot switch to desktop can't switch out of desktop running steamos-session-select, despite it claiming it's switching the session to gamescope
EyeCantCU2y ago
Oh you shouldn't run that file directly It gets called by Steam as your user With elevated perms
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
The desktop shortcut to return to game mode just runs it directly?
EyeCantCU2y ago
Interesting? I thought the shortcut just logged you out of your session like it does in KDE Try rebooting
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
running the script should update autologin.conf, then log you out without parameters it defaults to gamescope with parameters, it changes to plasma, plasmawayland, plasma-persistant
EyeCantCU2y ago
So I'm just trying to understand. Is this something custom you're doing or after running the toggle?
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
n-no I applied your update, ran the toggle for the unstable wayland support then, no matter the method I use to try and enter gamescope-session, it just resets to gnome-wayland
EyeCantCU2y ago
Right after you should have been able to return to Gamescope
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
nope, logs out and back into gnome fresh session
EyeCantCU2y ago
So after a reboot?
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
I'll reboot a third time
EyeCantCU2y ago
I've got it working right here on my Deck right now. Same image. No changes to the tree
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
well that's weird--rebooting did drop me into gamescope, and yeah entering desktop mode works and now the extension that adds the menu is gone? ah extensions just...disabled themselves
EyeCantCU2y ago
That's... Odd
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
I'm baffled, confused, but satisfied it works Gamemode > Gnome > Gamemode
EyeCantCU2y ago
Did you reboot after initially updating?
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
systemctl reboot as suggested by ostree; then a full reboot when it didn't initialize my external display again so, yes hence being even more confused ostree update > tried just. just had no idea of the update systemctl restart > just knew about the new recipe reboot > plymouth worked this time, external display worked, straight into gnome "Switch to Game Mode" just didn't work. would reset into gnome. updating zz.autologin.conf would also just automatically get reset on sddm restart but reboot and it's just like "ok"
EyeCantCU2y ago
This is odd behavior. It's possible a bug exists with session switching somewhere but at the same time I've been using the same implementation since we rolled out GNOME and it's been all right. But I will definitely try to replicate this and fix it. Thank you so much for all your help with this today
Pixel 🔜 SF 🎧
Yeah I'm just going to assume something was being weird and just not think too hard about it and thank me? nah thank you

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