Media player

How do i get my media player to worked so my friends and i can listen to music together at meets??
9 Replies
i tried that and for some reason it isnt working do i need to restart my game after i purchased ultimate??
Jify2y ago
Type /createmediaplayer once you’ve found a placement for it press Enter after you’ve found a YouTube link type /play [youtube link] No need if it’s already purchased & went through correctly, you can check by either typing in chat or /tag list
for some reason i can pull media player up but when i put the youtube link doesnt work. is there away to play music without the screen?
Jify2y ago
That’s caused by the publisher not allowing the video to be embedded some videos aren’t able to be played though some are You can also play music through third party applications such as VoiceMeeter, VoiceMod or Soundpad most players use VoiceMeeter to play music through their microphone
does it cost anything to do that??
Jify2y ago
No it’s free, there are tons of tutorials on YouTube on how to use it
ook awesome thank you! one more question is there away to copy the youtube link??
Jify2y ago
Right click on the YouTube video copy the URL link & Ctrl + Shift + V to paste it in the chat with /play

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