Height Issue

I am working on web app, and the dashboard should only cover the full viewport of 100vh and 100vw. Preventing the horizontal and vertical scroll. HTML structure: <div className="flex w-full max-h-screen overflow-hidden"> <Sidebar /> <div className="w-full bg-bg"> <Navbar /> <div className="flex justify-between w-full gap-4 mt-8 mb-6"> <LeftContent /> <LabelContent /> </div> </div> </div> LeftContent Structure:
<div className="w-full h-full"> <SwitchButton /> <ReadingAnimation reading={reading} />} <div className="h-full mt-[1.375rem] overflow-auto bg-card" > <pre>{Content Here}</pre> </div> <button>NEXT</button> </div> In the leftContent component, the div with pre tag, I add "full-height", and div exceeds 100vh height. I don't want this. I want the div should cover only the available. I tried flex-grow but that didn't work either. How to solve this?
23 Replies
Brightie2y ago
If you mean that everything that would cause a scrollbar to appear has to be hidden and cut off use body{overflow:hidden} in css This will hide the overflow If this is not the solution, then please provide your code in a codepen or sandbox so that we can play aorund with it and find a solution if you want something to hide overflow, you have to use overflow:hidden The body will make the entire page hide its overflow, so you can't scroll down ever or to the side, itll simply be cut off If you put it on a component it should hide whatever flows over just the same
Mozi47OP2y ago
no that is not what I mean. overflow is already applied on the main tag which is working fine perfectly. my app should not have any scroll for seeing content and scrolling. This left Content component when I add h-full this exceeds from the viewport height and that is what I dont want. the content should not exceed from the viewport I want the this div cover the avaialble space viewport without exceeding the current viewport height
Brightie2y ago
Could you provide your code in a codepen or sandbox? I cannot see the css you are applying If you meant to apply the css in the HTML-tags themselves you have to use style="" and not class class is used to apply a style whic you define in a CSS-stylesheet
Mozi47OP2y ago
I am using tailwidcss
Brightie2y ago
hmm, I'm unfamiliar with tailwind, however I recommend you send your code in a codepen or sandbox so that others are able to help you out
Mozi47OP2y ago
this is reactjs with tailwindcss so the className is what basically doing the style="" thing OK let me do that
Brightie2y ago
That sounds so confusing to me, isn't that just making it extra complicated and confusing
Mozi47OP2y ago
let me share the codepen with css that will makes sense
b1mind2y ago
Kevin Powell
The problems with viewport units
Conquering Responsive Layouts (free course): https://courses.kevinpowell.co/conquering-responsive-layouts Join the Discord: https://kevinpowell.co/discord Viewport units often feel like this cheat code that makes things so much easier when you first discover them, but they actually are problematic for a number of reasons, from creating horizon...
b1mind2y ago
100% is still they way, but always test. 100vh for mobile is bad 100vw isn't needed
Mozi47OP2y ago
Here is codepen link: https://codepen.io/mozi47/pen/QWJPWEa its ugly but hope this is helpful for you. Now you see here the content exceeds the viewport. this is not what I want. I want the content section cover the available space in the given viewport
Mozi47OP2y ago
see at the end the content excceeds
Mozi47OP2y ago
and this is how i want. so it fit in the viewport
Mozi47OP2y ago
I applied the flex gro the labelContent section that only covers the available space but for leftContent it is not working
b1mind2y ago
This might help I had made it for another person to help. I would use Grid always if I want my children to fill the space cause it just works that way default. Flex will always dense/max-content the children Grid > flex direction column
Mozi47OP2y ago
Thank you so much let me try this
Mozi47OP2y ago
Using grid didnot solve my problem. Here is the clean design https://codepen.io/mozi47/pen/QWJPWEa
Mozi47OP2y ago
now here if look at sidebar the white container inside the sidebar is how perfectly cover the available full height without overflowing or exceeding viewport height on the other hand the leftContent and right content section are overflow from the viewport
Mannix2y ago
you might want to remove the deafult margin from the body 🙂
Mozi47OP2y ago
already applied that doesnt work
b1mind2y ago
I feel like you didn't watch Kevin's video or use my example so 🤷‍♂️
Mozi47OP2y ago
I watched the kevin video. where he mention about height, to use dvh or svh. but as this app is not for mobile usage. secondly I tried the gird. but that didnt work. code updated. Now grid applied. still same issue. solved thanks everyone

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