I need some help modding fivem sp.

I've had this bug where my GTA won't work on Steam but it will here, so I'm really interested in playing with mod menus and add-on vehicles on SP. But every menu I try is outdated or crashes my game... and I don't really know about adding vehicles either.
5 Replies
يونجي2y ago
#Support Rules & Guidelines (READ FIRST)
Jify2y ago
I suggest asking in a GTA modding server this wouldn’t be the place to ask
Ranch Sovergn
Ranch SovergnOP2y ago
I didn't know if they had those... could u link me one by any chance? and sorry I didn't think I broke any.
Bourne2y ago
It’s the fact that this has nothing to do with RSM really, hence why it’s not the best place to ask
Ranch Sovergn
Ranch SovergnOP2y ago
Ah my apologies.

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