What is Sass

Hello I am beginner and working on custom html and CSS, and many times word "SASS" goes thrugh my eyes, what it is, why it is , when and where and wo use this?
4 Replies
rishit2y ago
Sass is a css framework which provides extra features on top of css like nesting, mixins, etc. it has 2 formats: SASS and SCSS
Jochem2y ago
it's not technically a framework, it's a language extension. SASS is a new way of writing CSS that gives you what rishit said, but it's compiled down to regular CSS before it's shipped to the user. SASS is a very different syntax, while SCSS (Sassy CSS) is effectively the same language but as close to regular CSS in syntax as they could get it (to the point where valid CSS is also valid SCSS afaik)
Jochem2y ago
Oh, and just in case you missed this and this question wasn't inspired by it, Kevin just did a video yesterday about why SASS is still relevant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLxZ1gyW-IU
Kevin Powell
CSS is getting better, but Sass is still relevant
🎓 Learn Sass, how we can use it with other tools like PostCSS, and how we can use it for things like theming, design systems, and general project architecture in my course BeyondCSS https://beyondcss.dev?utm_campaign=launchpromo&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=whyiusesass (use coupon code earlybird for 20% off, valid until the 4th at midnight EDT)...
;_;2y ago
sass is css preprocessor, it needs to be compiled to css. It's just like Jochem said, extension to CSS, it gives you ability to make nesting (very cool thing), mixins, functions, loops etc. It uses two syntaxes 1. .sass file 2. .scss file, the .sass file is quite different from css, you don't have the ; and {} so it's quite difficult to write code in some complex project. The .scss syntax is pretty much normal css, like 99% use the .scss

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