Space on left side

I am having space on left side i do not want also i want my first two input tages to have same with as the widht of the button "
2 Replies
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell2y ago
The space on the left is because that's how Bootstrap works (it's from the row). Is there a reason you wanted to use Bootstrap for this? I might be wrong here, but the only thing that you seem to be using it for is their columns, and if that's the case, I wouldn't bother with it at all. It's just getting in the way and not helping with anything else here. If you're tying to learn how to use Bootstrap better, that's fine, but then I'd suggest using it to help with the input and button styling. As for the inputs themselves, you could just add a width: 100% to them
MoniOP2y ago
i want to have something like this in the image i want to set the input tags width to 80% but when i do it i face issues for input tags on last rows which have three input tags..

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