DNS CNAME redirected you too many times.
I am testing out something.
For this test i want to load in the site
but keep the domain as https://grandprixpixels.wout-junius.dev
I setup a CNAME record whit name grandprixpixels
and content www.motorsport.junius.be
Now as a result i get grandprixpixels.wout-junius.dev redirected you too many times.
In the network tab of dev tools i see it keeps redirecting to itself (https://grandprixpixels.wout-junius.dev
Is this the way to do it?
What is going wrong?2 Replies
A CNAME wouldn't achieve that unless the web server on the other end is configured to accept requests with the host header of
(or not configured to do any host header validation). CNAMEs are "look over here for the record result", in the context of websites a/aaaa records, you can think of them like "Ask the same server as the website here for a response".
In the network tab of dev tools i see it keeps redirecting to itself (https://grandprixpixels.wout-junius.dev)This is usually caused by your SSL/TLS mode being set to Flexible, under SSL/TLS -> Overview you can change this to Full (Strict)