522 error when trying to redirect Apex to www domain
I've previously followed these instructions (but inverted the redirect rule to be the other way around): https://developers.cloudflare.com/pages/how-to/www-redirect/
This used to work for me before, but now it stopped working after I split my site into two Cloudflare accounts:
1- personal account: contains domain registration and DNS
2- work account: contains Pages and Bulk Redirect rule
I've attached photo of my DNS settings. I'm guessing the issue is that the AAAA record needs to point at the 2nd account so that its Bulk Redirect rules apply, but I'm not sure what value to put there instead of
Can you help me please?

7 Replies
That's kind of a weird split, it would be more optimal if everything was in one account.
Regardless, you'll need to just recreate the bulk redirect list & rule on your personal account
I believe if you had another zone in your work account, you could add your apex domain as a Custom Hostname on that zone, and then CNAME to it, and I think it would work with the bulk redirect, but that would be weird and rather confusing if you stumbled on it in the future. You're best off just recreating it
Thank you for the tips! Re the split, my intention was to separate work stuff from my presonal account. So ideally everything is in my work accont like you said.
However, my understanding is that it's not a good idea to set up your Domain Registration account to use a login email of the same domain you registered with it. As doing this would lead to a circular dependencey (if you get locked of one, you can't recover the other one). Is this correct?
Also, I tried to move the Zone (website) to the work account but I got stuck when it said I can't do this wihtout migrating the domain to an external registrar.
I'm a total newbie, have I've missed something? or do you think I should manage everything in my personal account?
However, my understanding is that it's not a good idea to set up your Domain Registration account to use a login email of the same domain you registered with it. As doing this would lead to a circular dependencey (if you get locked of one, you can't recover the other one). Is this correct?100% correct yea. It's easy to mitigate though, I have a gmail cloudflare account I have as a super admin on my account for backup, enabled with 2fa and everything. I know others who do the same as well
Also, I tried to move the Zone (website) to the work account but I got stuck when it said I can't do this wihtout migrating the domain to an external registrar.Yea.. that's a bit of a pain point. Unless you're Enterprise, I think your only option for moving a registered domain is transferring out, and then back in, which kinda sucks
Ahh I like the backup gmail idea. Sounds like a way more logical approach. Will give that a go.
Thanks so much for your help! You massively simplified this for me 🙂
I am getting the same error on our CF workers. Is there anyway to specify a longer timeout for CF workers? This issue is coming around wtih the newer GPT-4-32k context windows + APIs from OpenAI, that take a really long time to get the response
Please create your own posts/use that instead of jumping on unrelated posts. I'll reply in the one you created
thanks! Just did