C#12mo ago

✅ ByBit .Net

I have a problem with bybit.net, when I try to get acc balance it successfully sends me data but when I try to buy on spot it gives me an error
var orderData = await bybitClient.SpotApiV3.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync("PLANETUSDT", OrderSide.Buy, OrderType.Market, 1m, timeInForce: TimeInForce.GoodTillCanceled);
var orderData = await bybitClient.SpotApiV3.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync("PLANETUSDT", OrderSide.Buy, OrderType.Market, 1m, timeInForce: TimeInForce.GoodTillCanceled);
Here is the error:
{10005: Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action. }
{10005: Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action. }
I'm 100% sure that the api-key and secret are correct and I have all premisions and can access the api fro any ip.Please help!
2 Replies
Jimmacle12mo ago
probably better off asking their support, but that error looks pretty clear to me
AIM BOT12mo ago
asked the creator of bybit.net I will try smth tomorrow Fixed it
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