how can i apply the grid effect in tailwind

like in the image
32 Replies
Jochem•12mo ago
if you inspect the site, you can see that it's a background image using a couple of gradients:
.bg-grid {
background-size: 20px 20px;
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(35, 38, 45) 1px, transparent 1px), linear-gradient(rgb(35, 38, 45) 1px, transparent 1px);
background-position: center top;
image-rendering: pixelated;
mask-image: linear-gradient(transparent, 10%, white, 90%, transparent);
.bg-grid {
background-size: 20px 20px;
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(35, 38, 45) 1px, transparent 1px), linear-gradient(rgb(35, 38, 45) 1px, transparent 1px);
background-position: center top;
image-rendering: pixelated;
mask-image: linear-gradient(transparent, 10%, white, 90%, transparent);
JOY•12mo ago
not getting the same effect hmm
Jochem•12mo ago
change the background color to something darker, that's probably on the entire site somewhere yup, there's rgb(23, 25, 30) on the main tag might have to set it on a parent tag
JOY•12mo ago
<div class="bg-slate-900 ">
<div class="bg-grid">
<Navbar />
<Hero />
<div class="bg-slate-900 ">
<div class="bg-grid">
<Navbar />
<Hero />
its making the navbar and hero section a little faded
JOY•12mo ago
Jochem•12mo ago
is there any opacity on the navbar colors? If not, share the whole thing in a codepen if you can
JOY•12mo ago
@jochemm navbar in css index.astro in html
Jochem•12mo ago
this is all I see, along with the code:
Jochem•12mo ago
like... we ask for codepen links because then you can see the code run and function like it does for you, so it's easier to figure out what is going on you can use to share tailwind stuff easily, just like... share it in a way that is helpful for someone trying to help you. I need to see what's wrong in a live version, or all I'm doing is guessing. as for guessing now, you have text-gray-900 on your links
JOY•12mo ago
idk why the bg color isnt workin in codepen wait wait wait
Jochem•12mo ago
are there any classes set on the body maybe? or other CSS included you didn't put in the CSS box?
JOY•12mo ago
Tailwind Play
Tailwind Play
An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser.
JOY•12mo ago
its not fading like it should no sir
Jochem•12mo ago
yeah, you have text-gray-900 on those nav links, that's making them that color when you inspect an element, you can go to computed style, then expand the color and see where the color is coming from
JOY•12mo ago
it still aint working its related to mask-image in css box
Jochem•12mo ago
hm, yeah, I see what you mean. that's weird tbh if you move the bg-grid class to container it seems to work like it's supposed to though hm, yeah, the mask-image property messes with the alpha channel for the element it's set on, so that was what was making the text a little transparent, which showed the background color through it
JOY•12mo ago
my heading is also faded and the button
Jochem•12mo ago
hm, if you look at the astro site where this is originally from, they're putting the background in an absolute div with inset-0 on it instead of setting it on the div itself. Here's an updated playground link:
JOY•12mo ago
bro it worked you the fucking G fuck if i become rich one day i'll donate to you to keep it up ,no shit is kevin paying you tho
Jochem•12mo ago
all the mods are volunteers, and the helping isn't part of being a mod, I just like to solve problems 🙂
JOY•12mo ago
now the navbar isnt working due to absolute
<div class="bg-grid absolute inset-0"></div>

<div class="bg-grid absolute inset-0"></div>

Jochem•12mo ago
Try setting relative on the parent
JOY•12mo ago
already tried its making the grid disappear
Mannix•12mo ago
add pointer-events-none on that div
JOY•12mo ago
that worked thanks
Mannix•12mo ago
do you know why it worked ?
JOY•12mo ago
im reading about it but i dont understand properly
Mannix•12mo ago
you made that div cover whole screen w position: absolute; and inset: 0; so you can only interact with that div anything below is not clickable. By adding pointer-events: none; we disable the ability to click/interact on that div so everything else becomes clickable again. it would be better if you would learn css first then start using tailwind for it 😉
Jochem•12mo ago
adding relative on the container tag works as well btw, it keeps the grid inside the container and not covering the nav at all But yes, 100% this @joy2op
Mannix•12mo ago
you could also increase z-index on that hamburger button but pointer events will fix any future potential issues
JOY•12mo ago
hmm make sense thanks both right yeet