http connect
im tyring to build a simple http proxy with cloudflare worker and im getting this error :
workerd/server/server.c++:2420: error: Uncaught exception: kj/compat/http.c++:6983: unimplemented: CONNECT is not implemented by this HttpService
stack: 7ff6255cd5bf 7ff62562997a 7ff6256352cf 0
does workers not recognize HTTP Connect method ?
1 Reply
but why ?!
jeez that just makes it a bit harder, doesn't make it impossible !
well it took me 3 hours but i managed to route http proxy request through websocket
running an script in my pc allows me to use cloudflare worker as a proxy
whoever had the idea of disabling CONNECT method to prevent me from making a proxy i say get rekt m8
whats the point of it ?