Troubleshooting Shopify Integration with Vue Storefront: Navigational Error

Hi peoples, I'm trying to integrate Shopify with the vue storefront by adding my credentials in .env file and while previewing locally the collections name and products are showing but when I'm trying to navigate to them I'm facing an error.
2 Replies
It seems like you're encountering an error while navigating to collections and products in your Vue storefront integrated with Shopify. To better assist you, could you please provide more details about the specific error message you are receiving? Additionally, any relevant code snippets or logs related to the error would be helpful in diagnosing the issue.
I encountered two errors: E1 - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'products') in the useFacet/useFacet/search function, and E2 - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toString') in client.js at line 103. Fortunately, I was able to resolve the second error by making changes to the category page. Specifically, I replaced ":value="pagination.itemsPerPage.toString()" with ":value="String(pagination.itemsPerPage)". While the category (collection navigation) now works, I am still experiencing an issue with the products not appearing. (collection navigation) now works, I am still experiencing an issue with the products not appearing on the category page as well as on the home page clicking on any product to view that not working.

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