Unlimited sites vs projects vs custom domains

We are building an AI site builder and need clarification. We appreciate and thank you big time for any answer and effort. 1. A single cloudflare account can have unlimited projects and unlimited sites? If this is true then 100 custom domains are for each site or total allowance for each CF account? 2. Our builder has a static html site directly uploaded to CF and will not use any build or GIT infrastrure. Does 500 minutes still count? Or if saving files using Upload API request will have any limits? Thank you so much. We are excited to use CF infrastructure.
5 Replies
Chaika2y ago
A single cloudflare account can have unlimited projects and unlimited sites? If this is true then 100 custom domains are for each site or total allowance for each CF account?
It's 100 custom domains per site I would note as well, you can have "Unlimited sites" but there is a soft limit of 100 sites that you will have to get raised: https://developers.cloudflare.com/pages/platform/limits/#sites It's just anti-abuse, doesn't cost you anything
Our builder has a static html site directly uploaded to CF and will not use any build or GIT infrastrure. Does 500 minutes still count? Or if saving files using Upload API request will have any limits?
It's 500 builds, not minutes. Each Build can take up to 30 minutes before it times out iirc. Eitherway though Direct Uploads currently do not count towards that limit
DeviAIOP2y ago
Thank you so much for the clarification. I submitted the request to remove the soft limit this morning. Follow up questions. Is there any API rate limit? We will use the following endpoint to direct upload. https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4
Chaika2y ago
There's no specific rate limit mentioned here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/limits/, so I would assume it's the normal 1200 requests per 5 minutes
DeviAIOP2y ago
Thank you. You have been a great help. quick follow up. Can we reques tto increase this limit too?
Chaika2y ago
Enterprise can I believe, I don't know about for other plans. If you were hitting it you could try to reach out to support and ask them if you can get it raised https://community.cloudflare.com/t/is-the-cloudflare-api-rate-limit-per-account-or-per-zone-domain-or-per-api-token/149009/4?u=chaika Looks like maybe? That's the most official source I can find

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