Grid won’t work on my media queries

Hi guys, so I’ve been trynna set this grid-template-column to just 1fr (one column) , but I don’t know why it wouldn’t just work. The four card class is the parent div of all the other cards which clearly works on my normal layout but on my media queries it just doesn’t work.
5 Replies
Jochem2y ago
hi, please share your code in a more usable fashion. Check out #How To Ask Good Questions for tips!
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell2y ago
What Jochem said.... (much easier to copy paste text than to screenshot it, and then we can see it more clearly as well as play around with it) One thing I'm noticing is the dev tools are showing it, and it's not being crossed off, but without seeing a live example, or more of the code to put things in context, it's pretty much impossible to tell
Mannix2y ago
does your head element has this meta tag <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> ??
ucheszonaOP2y ago
Thanks, it has all those but still wouldn’t work @mannix_ @Kevin
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell2y ago
again, the only way we'll be able to help more is if we have more to work with, sharing your actual code will help a lot, instead of just the one small part that isn't working. We need more information to be able to help.

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