C#12mo ago

Need help with finding one option in VS

Hello I'm learning with one course and they want me to download one tool but i don't have the Get Tools and Features... button in my Arm processor mac version of VS as you can see in the attached screenshots. Can you please help me? Thanks for reading this :D
9 Replies
HimmDawg12mo ago
"Get Tools and Features" just opens the installer. Do you have that on Mac?
Marek12mo ago
I do have the installer but when i open it i dont have much to choose from
Marek12mo ago
maybe the course is outdated :/
HimmDawg12mo ago
What happens if you click on View?
SinFluxx12mo ago
I don't think you can work on SQL Server natively on Mac can you?
Marek12mo ago
I dont know...
HimmDawg12mo ago
I dont think you can really add new features. At least I didn't come across any information regarding that fluffyFoxThink But this is just based on a rather quick search i did myself since I dont have a Mac.
Marek12mo ago
well i tried to find it too and couldnt find anything that would say that i can... ok Ill try using docker heard it can help. Thanks for your time :)
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