Best jeans around 150 AUD?

Hey everyone, I need a new pair of indigo jeans and I was hoping someone here could advise me on the best I can get for roughly 150 AUD (~ 100 USD). Until now I've worn Levis in the 512 tapered cut and found that to be quite comfortable and a pretty much perfect fit but unfortunately after just over a year of wear there's a large hole forming between the crotch and the seat of the pants so I'm looking to buy something more durable this time. Also, I live in Sydney so if any other Australians can suggest me items I can try on in person before buying that'd be great. Cheers.
2 Replies
birdplen2y ago
Is that $150 USD or AUD? Service Denim and General Pants Co. if you want to try brands on, they have stores in Sydney (idk about elsewhere). Holes in the crotch are often due to being too tight/fitting wrong FYI
plato2y ago
At that price point, prob Uniqlo and Levi’s would be best bet. Alternatively you can look for better brands secondhand. More options starting at $200 aud mark

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