Missing SSL certificate for Pages domain in some regions.
This URL works in Florida and Virginia but not Chicago, Denver or LA:
5 Replies
Is there a way to make Cloudflare Pages work across the USA instead of just on the east coast?
It just does. I don't know how you are testing that or what you're seeing, but it looks fine globally for me:
If you tested it too early, you might have just hit DNS Cache
I deleted and re-uploaded the previous link. But this one is still broken for California but works for Florida:
@chaika.me Which service are you using for testing? I found a few but the screenshot that you posted has better coverage than what I could find.
What's the exact error you're getting? I have a VPS in SJC and I can load it fine
Website Uptime Test: Check Website Status | Uptrends
Is your website down right now, or is it just you? Check your website uptime and availability around the world.
echo Q | openssl s_client -connect 9963b55e-3abb-de38-44e4-b18cf054b678.pages.dev:443 -servername 9963b55e-3abb-de38-44e4-b18cf054b678.pages.dev
140704635586112:error:1404B42E:SSL routines:ST_CONNECT:tlsv1 alert protocol version:/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/c2cb9645-dafc-11ed-aa26-6ec1e3b3f7b3/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/libressl/libressl-3.3/ssl/tls13_lib.c:151:
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 5 bytes and written 349 bytes
No SSL certificate is associated with my domain, but only when viewing from certain locations.