hopefully not an orphaned suit jacket?

I just ordered this RLPL jacket from eBay. I’ve been looking for a linen sport coat with some structure for quite sometime. I’m really hopeful that this won’t look like an orphaned suit jacket, but I’d like any opinions from the group. Thanks in advance.
6 Replies
Looks like it, get the buttons switched
Linen is inherently less formal and a linen suit jacket is easier to wear with odd trousers than a wool one.
gimp2y ago
Exactly as mls said. Given that it's linen, I'd probably rock it separately. That said, the idea to put different buttons on it is not bad. I wouldn't go for gold/brass, but a subtle silver might work fine if you like. It may in fact be an orphaned suit jacket but I think it'll do fine separately. If it's borderline for you, buttons then separately. Courtesy of being obviously linen.
Matthew Noorbakhsh
Thanks all. Are you the same gimp as gimpwiz “enjoys classic menswear”? If so I can rest easy (in addition to the excellent advice from flechette and mls). Thanks again…now to hoping it fits well (obviously will be taking it to my tailor). Man I’m so glad to have a place to ask these questions again.
Calanon2y ago
A light/pale brown horn or mop buttons would look nice
gimp2y ago
I am the smae guy but don't take my opinions as any sort of fact, I don't know shit about dick. We're all here to learn For a bright navy, or lighter than navy jacket, there are a number of classic buttons. You've got various shades of brown and black horn, matching-ish blue, silver, gray, and for a blazer, gold and brass. I wouldn't go out in a hurry to replace those buttons but if you do, look up photos of each and see what you like most. :) I have multiple more casual jackets with brown buttons and blue/navy cloth. It's a great combo. My mind is having a brainfart for what buttons my blue jackets have. Except for the brassy ones my blazer has... if I remember I'll check and get back to you. Whoops.

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