C#12mo ago

❔ App resource files convention

When your app depends on files you read from disk, what's the convention for where to store them? For example shader files if you're using OGL/DX, translation files, scripts in other languages, icons or texture files, etc. My current setup is to use a folder called "Assets" located in my solution's root directory (same as the .sln file), and then I access the app's launch directory (of the exe) and search backwards until I find that folder. But it doesn't seem like a concrete idea... but it's the only way I can think of that works flawlessly when it comes to "releasing" the app which is pretty much just copy and pasting the release folder contents into another folder along with that assets folder How do you guys manage this?
2 Replies
br4kejet12mo ago
That goes in the main project's csproj file I assume? Oh sweet that works Is there a way to make it copy from the solution directory instead of the specific project? I tried Update="..\Resources\**\*" and Update="..\..\Resources\**\*" but it doesn't copy for some reason 😦 Ah
Accord12mo ago
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