White Trousers

Does anybody have any suggestion for nice white or off-white trousers? I’m trying to put together an outfit to propose to my girlfriend so nothing with a very casual look. I like some of the stuff SuitSupply has but was hoping to find something a bit cheaper https://suitsupply.com/en-us/men/trousers/off-white-brescia-trousers/B7601.html
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2 Replies
What’s your budget so we have something more specific than “cheaper than suit supply” Spier and mackay have stuff in the 120 area
Yao Monster
Yao MonsterOP2y ago
Definitely no more than $200 - I don’t mind splurging on the suitsupply ones but just wanted to see some other options. I’ll definitely check out Spier and Mackay, thanks.

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