✅ ✅ C# HttpClient returning 400, but other tools return 200

I am trying to make a simple web request to a URL using .NET/C# HttpClient. I am getting a 400 error "Bad Request". Whereas everything else such as Python Requests, Postman, and the Web browser dev tools all return a 200 Success. The URL is http://ericsmithrocks.com. This is a random URL I found that exhibits this behavior. Other URLs seem to work as expected. I have experimented with replacing "http" with "https" and adding an HttpClientHandler with different settings, with no success. I am thinking it may be something to do with my headers or an http permanent redirect issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have attached pictures of all my code / tests. Thanks.
11 Replies
dotnet123123OP2y ago
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = await client.GetAsync("http://www.ericsmithrocks.com");
var code = request.StatusCode;
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = await client.GetAsync("http://www.ericsmithrocks.com");
var code = request.StatusCode;
import requests
r = requests.get("http://www.ericsmithrocks.com")
import requests
r = requests.get("http://www.ericsmithrocks.com")
nukleer bomb
nukleer bomb2y ago
very strange litteraly the same code WorksOnMyMachine version of .NET you are using?
dotnet123123OP2y ago
.net 6
canton72y ago
For whatever reason, that website wants you to have a User-Agent header:
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.Add(new("Test", "1.2.3"));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.Add(new("Test", "1.2.3"));
HimmDawg2y ago
That's the deal with a couple of websites. From what I heard, back in the day websites claimed that you'd require a specific browser. idk if that was a necessacity because of technical reasons or simply marketing shrug people went ahead and spoofed their user agent
dotnet123123OP2y ago
thank you @canton7 , you're a lifesaver. Can I ask how you figured that out? Did you just happen to know about the weird history that HImmDawg mentioned above?
canton72y ago
I've seen exactly this problem before, so it's the first thing I tried https://webaim.org/blog/user-agent-string-history/ is worth a read But I don't think it's directly related -- it's just that some servers want to see a user agent, for whatever reason
dotnet123123OP2y ago
lol nice. I had been quite stumped for awhile. Don't know if I ever would have solved that naturally on my own. Didn't find anything googling online
canton72y ago
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24274789/is-lack-of-user-agent-in-http-request-valid The thing to do when you have a working case and a non-working case is to find the difference between them In this case, you need to work out the difference. You could do that by sniffing the request that each makes (fiddler used to be the go-to tool before they went commercial, not sure what the replacement is), going all the way and using wireshark, or making requests to a server which you can control, e.g. requestbin Eventually you get it down so that the only difference between the working request and the non-working one is the user-agent, and adding in the user-agent fixes it. Now you know what the problem is
dotnet123123OP2y ago
Thanks again. I will read those 2 links So, this fixed my issue, but I'm wondering why the .NET HttpClient is seemingly defaulting to an empty agent string in the header, when from what I can tell, most other mainstream libraries/languages put a default value in.
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