Every single time I open my website I get the "502 error code" and I have no clue what to fix

I have gone to this website https://www.lifewire.com/502-bad-gateway-error-explained-2622939 and done everything there, nothing. Please help me figure out the issue. Thank you! I have attached the image.
502 Bad Gateway Error: What It Is and How to Fix It
502 Bad Gateway errors are usually caused by two different internet servers that are having trouble communicating. Here is what to do.
17 Replies
Chaika12mo ago
The tunnel can't reach your configured origin/url. Its logs should reveal a bit more. If you're runnning it from CLI, you should be able to just see the output. If you're running it as a systemd service, ex journalctl -u cloudflared -f --lines=100
alpha_boost12mo ago
I'm really stupid being honest and am very confused what you just said haha. I am using wsl to recieve output but idk what you mean by logs, please explain a bit more.
Chaika12mo ago
No worries, You're just manually running cloudflared in wsl? It should output an error when you try to connect, something like "Can't connect to/dial origin service", that would give a bit more information
alpha_boost12mo ago
for some reason it doesn't output anything, it used to work just fine when i disabled/enabled hyper v (I forgot what it was) to play bloons td 6 it all stopped working, i factory reset my PC after trying to fix it with no luck. Do you this this has anything to do with it?
Chaika12mo ago
if you reset everything it certainly could. The tunnel just connects to a web server/url you configured it to, it's a reverse proxy (like how doordash brings you food but doesn't make it for you). I would check if you can reach the service you configured cloudflared to connect to, locally
alpha_boost12mo ago
I am still not able to connect, what else do you think I should try
Chaika12mo ago
What is the tunnel configured to connect to/proxy?
alpha_boost12mo ago
I'm so confused sorry
Chaika12mo ago
What are you using the tunnel for?
alpha_boost12mo ago
to connect my wsl to the website so i recieve everything, it's like a forms website and I recieve all the info
Chaika12mo ago
What is "the website"? I assume it's nginx/apache you run locally? If so, test connecting to that locally
alpha_boost12mo ago
hi i'm back so by locally I assume you mean connecting on my current wifi? https://attack-tba-sole-bin.trycloudflare.com/ tell me what happens when you go there maybe
Chaika12mo ago
It's saying cloudflared can't connect to the url you configured it to. I would check if you can reach it locally
alpha_boost12mo ago
explain locally please without vpn? that's what I'm doing
Chaika12mo ago
When you configured cloudflared, you configured it to connect back to a web server/service/url. If you're using quick tunnels it's whatever you put after --url instead of connecting to the tunnel, try connecting to that web server/url directly, on the same network or machine as it
alpha_boost12mo ago
omg i'm stupid ty for explanation it did not work
Chaika12mo ago
if you can't connect directly to the web server/url you configured cloudflared to connect to, that is the root of the issue. You'll have to restore/fix that before cloudflared can proxy requests to it