mfad2y ago

What Makes Something An Heirloom?

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What Makes Something an Heirloom?
What distinguishes something as an heirloom? Is it monetary value? How was something made? When my father died in the...
3 Replies
leroideskiki2y ago
Very well written
Gideo2y ago
I love this article quite a lot. Both provenance and wabi-sabi are something that informs my overall fashion aspirations and tastes. When I see someone use something that their parents/grandparents had worn, repaired something well loved like watch heirloom, it brings me a ton of satisfaction and joy. These days I aim to buy clothes and accessories with the intention that they won’t be donated or resold but hopefully wear for a long time. Or things I could share with my family or kids (if i do have kids) one day. I’ve been wearing a lot of my dads old clothes, from his old Tommy Bahamas silk shirts to an London Fog jacket, brands and styling that don’t make much impressions in the current fashion landscape but they mean a lot to me. Thanks for sharing!
hypnotio2y ago
Amazing article, thanks for sharing! I got my current watch because it reminds me of the watch my Grandpa wears all the time, and my sister travels with my dad's mosquito shirt that he used to wear on his travels. It's definitely nice to have keepsakes for treasuring, but there's really something to be said about those things you can use forever across generations

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