advise on a new website

i would like some guidance and advise as this is my first website build. this is my deployment so far the code is free you, so i dot mind sharing it as its for educational use anyway. but i can only use html and css
1 Reply
Wouter Schaap
Wouter Schaap2y ago
Semantic HTML structure looks quite allright. Wouldn't really recommend styling id's in CSS. Also be careful using shorthand properties when you're only setting one or two of the values. Things like padding: 0 3rem can lead to a lot of extra css down the line. Maybe better to just do:
padding-inline: 3rem;
padding-inline: 3rem;
Selectors like this: .nav-links ul li a are really quite specific for what you're trying to do. Be wary of 'magic' values. Things like: the orange color #fc7303. This color is defined in multiple places throughout the code. Would be better suited as a custom property: --color-orange: #fc7303 and be used as var(--color-orange). The different colored underline with the pseudo element feels a bit weird. Could be done by just using text-decoration-color: grey; The different images in the header feel like they could be done with <img srcset sizes> instead of relying on breakpoints and a double a tag with an image. Not sure if you need 3 paragraph tags in the body of the page. Looks like the content is still part of the same paragraph. Could just increase the lineheight.

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