mfad2y ago

Belt Colour

I am looking for a belt colour which would go with a yellow shirt and beige loafers, I have various different colours of trousers (brown, off-white and navy) and was just wondering in which belt colour would best match, I was thinking a dark brown belt from Calvin Klein (https://www.calvinklein.co.uk/leather-belt-k50k509654gvu?cmpid=ch:cpc&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_O2lBhCFARIsAB0E8B8id9HHwAG-l8YHmmKrDK6tH_mVwlFXMdIHMRkKZPAW_trcQAc1ZEAaAoxOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) but I would be more than open to try different styles. Shoes and shirt are added in the photos, Thanks!
3 Replies
Pedro2y ago
Imo since you don't have to perfectly match the color of your belt, any light brown will do fine. Personally I would aim for a lighter brown, like a british tan leather belt. My main advice would be to avoid CK and instead buy from a leather worker. You'll probably find a better belt for the same price on Etsy for example
nanomackOP2y ago
Is there any recommendations you could show me @passedeletra, thank you for this advice
Pedro2y ago
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1402411870/italian-full-grain-leather-34mm-belt-by?click_key=aa99a07655b3370ddcb698af960c246b8d74a8d5%3A1402411870&click_sum=faeed049&ref=shop_home_active_19 You can check this guy's store, his prices are similar to the CK belt. This is just an example. You might be able to find something better, with a more meticulous search. If by any chance you have a nearby store that especializes in leather, that also might be worth to check out. I was in a store like that this morning and they had sooo many belts, a belt for every budget.

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