How to solve this

Is this responsiveness issue and can be solved using media queries or it is due to wrong code ? please tell me in simple and easy words, I am newbie
9 Replies
Jochem12mo ago
Share your code, check #How To Ask Good Questions for resources on how to do that sorry, no zip file uploads try one of the options linked in the thread I linked in my first message, or just share a git repo or something. A minimal reproduction on codepen is the best
Hamza Naeem
Hamza Naeem12mo ago
how to add images there? like logo and image
Jochem12mo ago
you can use something like to get placeholders in any size, there's also assets at the bottom of the page, and then free photos you can use
Lorem Picsum
Lorem Picsum
Lorem Ipsum... but for photos
Hamza Naeem
Hamza Naeem12mo ago
Ok thank you sharing, I am new here, I will create and send you is this ok?
Jochem12mo ago
looks good, that'll help someone solve the issue. I can't really look at it myself right now
Mannix12mo ago
remove the height from .signup_content and give your img tag height of 100% and add display: block; this should solve your issue
Hamza Naeem
Hamza Naeem12mo ago
Mannix, I did it, but the long become too long
Hamza Naeem
Hamza Naeem12mo ago
this is how it becomes
Mannix12mo ago
well thats because you are using a big image. You would probably need to switch to background-image instead of img tag so then the right side doesn't influence the height of the parent container. You could put max-height on the img tag but idk if it's practical solution