Positioning logos and controlling them responsively
Hello everyone, hope everyone is fine. My question to you is how do I position my logos and control them responsively if you're answer is flex wrap I already tried and the problem is that using that I simply don't know how to position them exactly like in the mobile design, please write your HTML too that would be amazing help. (webs looks messy since I am finishing the mobile part currently)
My code: https://codepen.io/Adhurim-Gashi/pen/ZEmMbpK

4 Replies
Right now when I open your code the logos don't show up
How do I fix this? on liveserver they are showing but on codepen and other code sharers they won't show for some reason
you'll have to replace the reference to the image with something that's accessible online. https://picsum.photos/ is my goto for placeholder images, you can get any dimension image you need by just putting width and height in the URL: https://picsum.photos/200/300
Thank you, Jochem!