Buffalo wild wings

Hi Everyone, as of this morning, Buffalo Wild Wings has joined Arby's and is now on Cloudflare Pages as of this morning. We've logged zero issues and it is snappier. Please feel free to ask questions if you have any and I will answer as much as I can.
4 Replies
Walshy2y ago
This is amazing to see! I love that y'all are continuing to expand your Pages usage. If we can ever do anything at all please let us know!
upinthisjoyntOP2y ago
Absolutely! We have Sonic that will be going next. We already have it for our lower environments but not the .com We are seeing something funky in the buffalo wings deployment. We are noticing 2 "index.html" files in one directory. That shouldn't be possible. ...right?
Walshy2y ago
thonk in the file list on the dash?
upinthisjoyntOP2y ago
yes. We think it's a cache issue...very specific. We are checking now www.buffalowildwings.com/locations/ "www.buffalowildwings.com/locations/" renders a different file from "www.buffalowildwings.com/locations/index.html" still checking figured it out. Multiple Workers

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