Typo in your documentation

On page https://developers.cloudflare.com/cache/how-to/edge-browser-cache-ttl/ First sentence: Edge Cache TTL (Time to Live) specifies the maximum time it's minimum time not maximum.
Edge and Browser Cache TTL · Cloudflare Cache (CDN) docs
Edge Cache TTL (Time to Live) specifies the maximum time to cache a resource in the Cloudflare edge network. Edge Cache TTL is not visible in response …
6 Replies
Chaika2y ago
It should be the maximum, if you set the Edge Cache TTL to 2 hours for example, Cloudflare will only hold that asset in cache for 2 hours. It may be less, your asset may be evicted sooner, but it should never be more then 2 hours. Cloudflare makes no guarantees about the min. amount of time your asset will be in cache
kraftriverOP2y ago
well if it's maximum, then your table is wrong because in the table it say minimum
Chaika2y ago
The table is unrelated to the definition Edge Cache TTL sets the max amount of time for an asset to be in cache, and the table describes the min. amount of time each plan can set it. I believe there is a minimum because it costs Cloudflare resources to cache items. There is no maximum time though, but your asset will be evicted if it is infrequently requested / no more space / etc
kraftriverOP2y ago
What does it mean for a TTL to have a minimum of 2H ? It means the asset cannot changed / be purged for at least 2H ?
Chaika2y ago
It means if you set the edge cache ttl (either via cache control, page rules, or cache rules) to less then two hours, Cloudflare won't cache it at all
kraftriverOP2y ago
oh okay it makes sense now

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