Anyone have a Shetland from Harley/Bodie of Scotland?

Looking to add another option to my winter knitwear— right now I have a very baggy Shaggy Dog from J Press. I’m looking at Bodie/Harley, who were recommended on Permanent Style. Anyone have one and want to share their thoughts? I’m looking at either the normal Shetland or one of the Everest natural undyed sweaters
2 Replies
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Viễn Hắc2y ago
Harley of scotland and Bosie you mean? I have them. Pretty much the same thing with howlin by morrison when it comes to the basic single color line. Really good stuff. Started having them since 2016. They look good even now still
Bosie makes great sweaters and their customer service has been great for me. They actually repaired one of my sweaters free.

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