Under ddos attack, website still down even if all requests are blocked

we''ve added rules to WAF and enabled all the rulesets, we've blocked +65M requests but our site still goes down?
1 Reply
Chaika2y ago
There's probably still enough requests getting through to down your origin, or you haven't set up your origin server to block non-Cloudflare connections and they're bypassing Cloudflare. Make sure you've at least set up the firewall on your origin server to only accept connections from Cloudflare (https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/get-started/task-guides/origin-health/), then there is helpful community guides in how you can mitigate attacks manually to stop more requests frrom getting through: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/under-ddos-attack-first-steps/89476 https://community.cloudflare.com/t/mitigating-an-http-ddos-attack-manually-with-cloudflare/302366/3
Cloudflare Community
Under DDoS Attack! First steps
This tutorial covers some of the steps you can try to take to protect yourself from a DDoS attack. There is a Cloudflare Support Article on this as well. Sign up for Cloudflare - Cloudflare can provide a lot of helpful tools to help you overcome a DDoS attack, even on their free plan. Make sure all your DNS records that can be are set to :...
Cloudflare Community
Mitigating an HTTP DDoS Attack manually with Cloudflare
Update: Mitigating another attack. Context: DDoS protection has detected a lot of suspicious requests, and our backend health checks are failing. Looking at the Cloudflare dashboard, we can see that many requests are being blocked, but still, a lot are reaching our backend system. To handle this situation, we can take the following steps: ...

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