what color pants would go with this jersey?
i have some black new balance 2002r’s that i want to wear with this.
14 Replies
some green adidas shorts would look sick
In all seriousness tho I think it's very hard to style contemporary sports jerseys in a way that doesn't just look like you're on your way to the game/bar/what have you. That said I think pairing it with these wouldn't look half bad https://www.dickies.com/work-pants/original-874-work-pants/874BK++++33+32.html?cm_mmc=google-_-PLA-_-men-pants-work-_-874&{unescapedurl}?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=&utm_adgroupid=149571261998&merchantid=7378933&productid={productid}&creative=657219788812&device=c&placement=&locphy=9031026&adpos=&cm_mmc=Google-_-20080101025-_-149571261998-_-&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2eilBhCCARIsAG0Pf8vbQKRsKS9u8csSZqVyt7uxiInb8pRJrsfN7mGjQtz5O4pULIa6iOoaAq_BEALw_wcB
there's a green pair that I think would work too, if you want to lean more into the colors that the kit was designed to be worn with
u think some cargos would also be good?
Black or indigo jeans, or darker green cargos. You can't really 'dress up' football jerseys (even a banger of a shirt like that Mexico away)
relevant inspo
If this is gonna be the kits that go hard thread, I love my Venezia fc top
i def need some more italian club kits
Old Inter Jerseys with the Pirelli logo 👌
Caramel or tan
You'll like retro football kits
90's Serie A kits were amazing
would any type of pants work? some baggy nike sweats (gray)just came in the mail
Cargo, chino, "golf" pants and the shorts variants all do well.
Sweatpants? Maybe, but not ideal imo
no golf pants don't look good,