mfad2y ago

Mens Wearhouse Clearance fine for work suits?

Just saw some suits for $100-$200 total with clearance and thought they might be fine for daily wear? Jackets fit my frame off the rack and I almost never needed any tailoring there. Is a 70/30 wool:polyester always bad? It was hard to find many 100% wool suits. * https://www.menswearhouse.com/p/calvin-klein-x-fit-slim-fit-suit-gray-plaid-3W583W5964 * https://www.menswearhouse.com/p/lauren-by-ralph-lauren-classic-fit-suit-black-and-white-plaid-3XA63XA762 I ordered 6 or 7 suits/jackets total and figure I can return them in 90 days if I don't like them or they don't feel great. It just seemed like a good enough deal to try?
10 Replies
birdplen2y ago
Mens warehouse is strongly disliked here (not sure why, doesn't exist in my country) but honestly at that price per suit why not. You almost certainly don't need 6-7 similar suits though
mattw22y ago
For $100 with no tailoring costs, maybe. For $200 - almost certainly not.
birdplen2y ago
That's true, depends on OP's goal and means. If he wants to look OK to the untrained eye for very cheap (and assuming the suits do fit well OTR) then this is fine, but he's going to have to more than double his spend to get the standard MFA recommendations, for one suit Personally I would rather get a handful of decent, well-tailored 100% wool suits if my job required suits everyday, but budgets and goals vary
Bigelow2y ago
They're gonna be shit suits man I'd rather have one good suit than 6 shit suits The only reason to do this is if you need to wear suits for work and have no budget or time to get decent stuff
C.G.OP2y ago
Yeah, I'm a 46 L with broad shoulders. A lil over 6 ft. Jacket should be fine. Pants are .5 inch either way depending on suit and will need to be hemmed. I ordered 6-7 different models thinking I might keep 2? Looks like I barely make cutoff for Spiders and Markay in jacket size. I'll have to watch for deals. Main issue is how bad polyester actually is because none of my suits have it?
egerz.12342y ago
Personally if I had to wear a suit every day to work, I’d check eBay and buy like 3-4 lightly used suits from Spier & Mackay and SuitSupply. You can easily get them for $150-200 (here’s a 46L for $130: https://www.ebay.com/itm/166112805765?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=yWBfVOt5Q8i&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Z2mxAlEKSHG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY ) and they’ll just be better suits. I’ve owned a Men’s Wearhouse suit and didn’t feel good about myself while wearing it.
Spier & Mackay Navy Suit 46L Good Condition | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Spier & Mackay Navy Suit 46L Good Condition at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
C.G.OP2y ago
Thanks for the link, I'll check this out.
gimp2y ago
So what it comes down to, as always, is fit. The problem with cheaply made suits (fused and polyester construction) vis-a-vis fit tends to be that even if it fits properly in your shoulders and chest, the drape is usually crap. This is a fairly subtle thing, one of those "know it when you know to see it" things. Basically, think of putting your favorite cotton shirt over your fist. See how the shirt kind of drapes and falls around the fist? Next, put a piece of printer paper over your fist. See how it only folds in mostly one direction and doesn't follow the curvature? It's more subtle in suits, but similar issues, poorly made suits fold where they shouldn't, and don't fold where they should. Beyond that, there are elements on poorly made suits that tend to be purposeful design stuff to fit the lowest common denominator buyer, including things like extremely low armholes, the wrong amount of shoulder padding for most people, etc. Then there's just cost-cutting, like poorly shaped and poorly attached collars, sleeves, etc. Now, if your requirement is that you need a different suit every day of the week and your budget is nil, then okay, buy a bunch of $100 suits from men's wearhouse. I've bought a lot of second-hand stuff at the <$150 price point that's pretty great, but the downside with that is you need to know your size well and it takes a bunch of time to find stuff and sometimes the measurements just don't line up with reality and stuff that should fit doesn't and now you gotta resell stuff and take a loss. I still recommend it, but you gotta know what you're getting into.
birdplen2y ago
Wait, are they ~$100-$200 each? "Total" seems to suggest that all 7 together ran you <$200, but if that's the price per suit and they're actually $700-$1400 total then you should definitely not bother. Go secondhand or Spier & Mackay.

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