mfad•2y ago

wedding suit colour and accessory matching

G'day, I'm taking my suit to get resized and altered this weekend, I'll also need to take my shirts to get done up at the same time. I'm thinking these two shirts for separate occasions. Do the colours match the suits enough? As do the ties I've pictured them with? I've really only got these to work with, and need to buy new black dress shoes, so if I can avoid picking up new accessories that'd be good. If they match well, let me know, if not I'll dig around and see what else I've got to work with before I go buying new (probably from an op shop, so not brand new) accessories. Cheers.
9 Replies
mattw2•2y ago
I would strongly advise getting/wearing shirts in white/light blue, and not wearing the bow tie. Otherwise this is all fine.
Regi3OP•2y ago
Bridal party is wearing blue and white is boring. I know my bow-tie is gaudy but it's fun 😓 wish I knew where/when to wear it
mattw2•2y ago
Those shirts don't look good. White and blue would look better, and are so standard that it doesn't really matter. Alternatively a pale pink/lavender might be ok. Dark dress shirts are generally not good in the context of traditional tailoring.
birdplen•2y ago
Seconding the above, this isn't the way to do not-boring
gimp•2y ago
A white or blue dress shirt is classic and basic and there is no danger that wearing one will make people think you are in the wedding party. Bowties are hard to wear, that's life. Pre-tied bowties are ... eh. No offense. Get an ice blue shirt, wear the long tie. Enjoy the wedding!
Regi3OP•2y ago
The shirts do look good. But I still appreciate the input. None of it really matters though now, the alterations will cost as much as a new suit, so I'm gonna have to buy new one anyway. @gimp When is the time to wear a tie? I'd be inclined to buy proper ones and learn to tie them if I had an idea if when they'd get used. But I agree my dark silver paisley tie goes best with my Charcoal suit. Since I need to get a new suit, and this was my smallest suit, I'll need to replace all my suits. I'll make a new thread to gather info since my Seamstress suggested investing in a proper quality suit that will last now I'm older.
gimp•2y ago
Generally one can wear a (long, also called four-in-hand) tie whenever one wears a jacket. That's not a requirement, you can wear a jacket without a tie. Usually, a tie without a jacket doesn't look quite right, but sometimes practical concerns override. These days, bowties are mostly only worn in two cases. The first is when at a Formal or Semi-Formal event, using the old language - white tie, black tie, or their daytime equivalents. The second is when you're sufficiently knowledgeable about what looks good and have run out of fucks to give about people's rules about bowties ;)
Regi3OP•2y ago
Perfect, I will endeavour to become the latter person mentioned. I already cop an ungodly amount of shade for wearing suspenders, but they really are just that much more practical and comfortable than a belt, in my opinion.
eggocentric_elmo•2y ago
burgundy/silver as a combo isn't half bad, but if it's impractical for tailoring then yeah, go with the others suspenders lean a bit casual, but glad you enjoy them nonetheless

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