Fetch api not working in pages

hello there, i deployed my page on cloudflare pages but here the issue fetch data from api is not working also one more thing the api is using subdomain and the domain is on cloudflare so what wil be the solution for this?
4 Replies
Chaika2y ago
More information would be helpful (i.e the exact error, and a url that reproduces it), that sounds just ilke a generic CORS issue though. Only one post per issue as well, don't create mutiple in different forums
James singh
James singhOP2y ago
no issue i am using nextjs and ther a function called rewrite which help to make http to https and i use it work render api in front end when i try to fetch data from api it not working and api json page also not coming and no issue in code cuz work in my local server and other providers
Chaika2y ago
The exact error and the url with the page having that error would be more helpful
James singh
James singhOP2y ago
i check inspect logs no error

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