Cloudflare Zero-Trust Access on subdomain with port.

Hello, I added Access to my subdomain <subdomain>.<domain>.pt, when I access it, it shows the authentication page, but when I open through <subdomain>.<domain>.pt:8443 it gives error 1043 instead of showing the authentication page. Is it not possible to use different ports with Access? Thank you
6 Replies
Chaika•2y ago
Access should cover all ports, but it does strip the port out / default to normal port after you go through the flow. Perhaps you just accessed it too soon, maybe try in incognito
KarbustOP•2y ago
You are correct, now it works KEKWlaugh tested right after deploying the rule xD Thank you I spoke too soon, it does not work. It redirects to the login page, but on successful login it redirects to the domain without the port...
Chaika•2y ago
yea that was in the first sentence of my message lol I don't know if there's a way around that, although you could just use a specific subdomain for it and origin rules (or a tunnel)
KarbustOP•2y ago
I just don't want to put nginx on top of that, because that page is what I use to manage all my containers, including nginx, if nginx goes down, I would lose access to it... Otherwise I could setup Authelia on top of it, but without nginx no luck... I will check out the redirects
Chaika•2y ago
If you have a website on 8443, you can 1: Make a new subdomain for it (i.e 2: Make an Origin Rule for it,hostname equals, Dest. Port overwrite 8443 3. Make an Access Policy for that subdomain 4. Success
KarbustOP•2y ago
It's working 😄 Thank you

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