HttpRequestMessage request cannot be null, TESTING
I will attach the 2 relevant code snippets.
Simply the test fails because the request cannot be null. And im not sure how to go around it.
Thanks for any help 🙂
17 Replies
This is the test
which line throws this error?
The error is produced here
It says that the HttpRequestMessage request is null, im not sure how or if i can populate it with values?
what's It.IsAny
you need to construct an HttpRequestMessage first
what are you trying to do, sending a json data?
I want my expectedResult to have a token, and then when i do the call for the actual value, that should also include a token
yeah what are u trying to send? did you even specify which URL to send data to?
I have been using chatgpt and copilot, for guidance on how to mock Httpclient and basicly testing in general
And i've found another github that also uses a mock approach, it looks different tho, and i have a hard time figuring out what would work and what doesnt This for example, its a different approach, with the URL like ur saying
Testing layer for Microsoft's HttpClient library. Create canned responses using a fluent API. - richardszalay/mockhttp
And yes its Json data being sent
but right now in your code i dont see that you specified an URL
Right because im faking the Token in my expected result right, and then the _loginService calls the Login function which actually contacts a URL
Im not used to testing, its my first time trying to test real functionality
what does
even return?Its supposed to return the result from the httpResponseMessage, which is made just above. Which should be a token
Should i try a totally different approach, and just try to discard this one i have? Is there an easier way of unit testing functionality?
Thats what im saying too. I think i got overwhelmed with this way of having to mock and test functionality, that i tried something without completely understanding what it was doing
you're not getting HttpRequestMessage anywhere from the httpResponseMessage
and you should not construct HttpResponseMessage out of nowhere
Mmh i see, its not easy getting into. I think i might start from scratch to try and get a better understanding