i cant seem to find my way here. looking for demo.vuestorefront theme
i see tailwind mentioned all over the place, but is there no theme like the demo theme available?
I installed the VSF and in the default components there is no tailwind. i found the tutorial on how to install tailwind and vue using storefront ui.
But after installing storefront ui, is it the idea that i should replace all the default vue files manually?
i was expecting the demo theme to be available.. was i wrong?
3 Replies
Hi @Thuis 👋 ,
We have a boilerplate for Next: https://github.com/vuestorefront/storefront-next13-boilerplate
Our Nuxt boilerplate in being worked on now.
GitHub - vuestorefront/storefront-next13-boilerplate: Vue Storefron...
Vue Storefront Next 13 Boilerplate. Contribute to vuestorefront/storefront-next13-boilerplate development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hi @.rohrig, that looks great! But just to be clear.. vuestorefront has a "react boilerplate" and no "vue boilerplate" ?
The irony of life 😄