I get the following when I try to run a local dev of my Worker. There is next to no info at all on why this might happen:
wrangler dev
ļø wrangler 3.2.0
wrangler dev now uses local mode by default, powered by š„ Miniflare and š· workerd.
To run an edge preview session for your Worker, use wrangler dev --remote
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Vars:
- API_KEY: "(hidden)"
- API_SECRET: "(hidden)"
ā Starting local server...
ā² [WARNING] Miniflare 3 does not support CRON triggers yet, ignoring...
*** std::terminate() called with no exception
stack: 7ffca59d2769 7ff71063e8a8 7ffca59d102f 7ffca59d4f5d 7ffca59df4ff 7ffca59d416b 7ffca59dfe40 7ffcc2853e7e 7ffcc27cfd43 7ffca59df9cd 7ffca59d2e24 7ffca59d3243 7ffca59d4267 7ffca59dfe40 7ffcc2853dfe 7ffcc27ce455 7ffcc2804454 7ffcbfd24b2b 7ffca59d671f 7ff711476d63 7ff711475e96 7ff7114686bf 7ff7114aada3 7ff7112c3924 7ff7112c5b45 7ff7112ced45 7ff7112d1fd9 7ff7112cff69 7ff71063e90a
ā [ERROR] MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]: The Workers runtime failed to start. There is likely additional logging output above.
1 Reply
Using wrangler 2.2.4 works fine
I'm on windows, i use the hello world typescript example