
Hey guys im trying to make my portfolio website and im really struggling on the design aspect, ive redone the site like 3 times already with different ideas and im just really struggling on what i should do, i don't want it to be a basic site but im just not creative, where do you guys get your inspiration from, right now im mostly struggingling with my hero, i know its the first thing the user sees and it should be the wow factor but i just can't think up of anything interesting, this is what i have as my current iteration Usually people put a picture of themselves in their hero, but i really don't want to do that as it makes me very uncomfortable. any suggestions would be appreciated.
Joel Barrera
Full-Stack Developer Portfolio for Joel Barrera made with Next.js and TailwindCSS
3 Replies
Senra•2y ago
Okay I see. This is a problem most front-end developers run into. I also run into the same issue sometimes. But not to worry. There are tons of sources of information. Here are my few go-tos : 1. Dribble. This is my most preferred choice when I am looking for design inspiration. 2. Go to social media sites and search for hashtags #uidesign etc. I usually go to instagram and pinterest. 3. Just go to a website of some product like React, TailwindCSS, Strapi (This site is really good! do check it out), Astro, Vercel, Svelte etc. 4. Get inspiration from other people's portfolio site. Just search for Portfolio on Github and you'll get plenty. Just keep looking. There is never an end of inspiration when so many people are creating amazing content every day. Hope this helps!
Strapi - Open source Node.js Headless CMS 🚀
Strapi is the next-gen headless CMS, open-source, javascript, enabling content-rich experiences to be created, managed and exposed to any digital device.
ghostmonkey•2y ago
One thing I have kind of come around on is whether or not portfolios need hero sections. And in short, I have decided they do not. So, if you can't come up with a pleasing hero, maybe just focus on the rest of the design and see what develops; you might find yourself in the same situation as me, 😄
Senra•2y ago
I agree. Hero section just kinda strays far from the theme you are going for most of the time. So avoiding it might work in some site designs

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