dotfiles for my new Arch linux machine, SMIT
I'll just be posting my work on SMIT here
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Worked on the lock screen today, adding some blur and a minimal lock system unlike the default i3lock
I use i3lock-color but may change this in the future as there is no maintained i3lock-color package
But for now here it is (uses ffmpeg for blur and img overlay)
May use picom to change the fade in animation as well, but for now I'm moving on to cleaning up the i3 config and working on polybar
Quickly made a logo for smit in gimp

If you want my autograph you'll have to get in line
I'll be signing soon :)
Current i3 config
@earth's bird is there a repo yet?
Beautiful 😂
No sadly, there will be once I have finished all the dotfiles, or at least get them to a point I'm happy with
What can I say, I'm a little bit of an ⭐ artist ⭐
Wrote a small tool to grab the top 10 processes with the highest ram usage
when clicking the RAM text on the polybar it will display these processes
Did the same for the CPU as well
As an added bonus it also fetches the cpu's temperature
To avoid OH-MY-ZSH bloat all themes, and plugins are installed and sourced manually
Significantly decreases shell startup by avoiding OH-MY-ZSH
Going to try out fish shell for a bit and see if I like it
As my wonderful voice over shows the animated background loves to take a toll on the cpu
and does show some effect on the ram as well
The animated background gets split into it's frames at system startup and stored under /tmp/
Doing this allows me to stop and start the animated background almost instantaneously without issue
And at least you can hit the shortcut with one hand haha
Yeah... weird keybind but it works
Now mod+shift+a also makes sure to kill any already running scripts running
as to avoid starting multiple instances
Added audio controls such as pausing, skipping, and going back on music tracks
As well as skipping ahead (or back) 15 seconds
This is also able to be done via rofi, using @mrHeavenli's rofi-playerctl script (which I have slightly modified for my tastes)
Screen brightness now is also binded
Using brightnessctl over something like xbacklight
Working with the fish shell now, just finished making my terminal all pretty ⭐
Nvim is now also configured back to my liking using my old computers dotfiles, and then many changes to it to suit my new needs.
Added controls for i3 gaps changing inner and outer gaps. May make this a mode similar to the i3 resize mode.
Unknown User•2y ago
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Shows status of the audio (playing, paused, stopped), changed the icons with Nerdfont icons, shortens the name of the player if it exceeds a set length
and then appends an ellipse
Well pretty much just working on random stuff, my github page kind of says it all...
Unknown User•2y ago
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No problem
Added a fun little move keybind to my vim config
It looks a bit silly because the LSP isn't able to help me out when this is done in a text file
When done in an actual code file like .py, .c, .cpp, and etc it works best
Here is just another example
Added harpoon
A file manager allowing me to jump through files instantly in an intuitive way
Within just the few weeks I've used it I learned I can't live without it
I also installed LSP zero
Setting up lsp-config, and Mason for me
I switched my plugin manager to Lazy.nvim instead of packer
as packer is no longer maintained, and Lazy.nvim is much faster (with a cleaner ui)
I now use fugitive to handle my git repo, making it easy to make commits and add files right from neovim
I have installed telescope to make it easier to navigate my file tree / project directory with fuzzy finding
I also installed and configured undotree, as now I'm able to easily go back to changes, and with the branch system it uses no matter how many times I undo, redo, change, redo, undo. It'll have all my changes
I've also been messing around with floaterm so I can have a little cute terminal without leaving neovim or needing a separate tab in my terminal
And that's it for this update on smit :)
Added a highlighting group for trailing whitespace
along with a keybind to remove them all


I've been finding myself using Neovim less and less when working on my Mac machine
Instead I've been using Zed a lot, Zed is written in rust and is fast. Not just fast but FAST
is terminal or gui?
And extremely light, and when factoring in my terminal with neovim it's actually faster

But it's only for MacOS but it has been optimized like hell for it
Triple back buffering, and running at 120fps
thats gay
Not really, I mean they hope to have it on other systems but lots of time has gone into optimizing it
that's good tho
Zed - Code at the speed of thought
Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
This blog got me to download Zed
I need a lightweight code editor for when I'm editing small files and don't need to load 75 extensions
that's the reason (at least for me) why vscode is so slow
Zed is super light, and I love it for that. It has all the features I want (even coming with a vim mode out of the box)
It's got collab support out-of-box as well
Support for inline ChatGPT usage and Github Copilot
Supports keymaps from quite a few editors
I'm using VSCodes currently
Meaning command prompt show up like

Project diagnostics

Sadly though I'll still be sticking to Neovim for most of everything
As Zed lacks plugin support, which makes it hard for me to work properly and how I want
I can't use zls (zig lsp), can't get highlighting for languages like Zig, CMake, Make
And I'm much faster as a developer with neovim, but for small files and projects Zed is amazing

I shared some more Zed feedback about inconsistencies with pasting
Jeez I want a shell theme that always has me typing my command at col 0 and have all the extra info on the right hand side

Blue is where I would like my cursor to always be
I see
And red is where it is
It gets annoying
just use a different prompter
None have the style I want that keep the cursor at col 0