❔ Contact us validation for MVC project
Hi Mates, I have prebuilt Contact Us page in Bootstrap, But I want to use this page for user contact without disturbing the page rendering. and please tell me do I have to use Model(already I have a controller for contact )

9 Replies
i'd use a model and then have a
<div asp-validation-summary="ModelOnly" style="color: rgb(255, 60, 60);"></div>
at the start of ur form and <span asp-validation-for="Property" class="text-danger"></span>
for each property that u want to validate forcan you please explain a little bit more how to do this exactly @hackmagician
slap ur model in like this

then a form like this
and those spans for validation under each property u wanna validate so they lign up

and then slap a submit one
and as for the controller

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