C#12mo ago

❔ C# app on Linux

Hello , I'm trying to create a C# app on Linux but I think it's just not possible. I tried multiple methods to do that but none of the work. What do you think? My las hope is to run an emulator for windows on my linux, but whenever I try to open my virtualbox Linux, the system is crashing or lagging. What should I do? (I can't move on windows and I can't use other alternatives! )
51 Replies
Buddy12mo ago
You cannot use .NET Framework unless you run it under Wine. You must use .NET, which is cross-platform.
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
So it is possible or not to create a c# app on Linux?
Buddy12mo ago
It is
You must use .NET, which is cross-platform.
.NET is different from .NET Framework. .NET Framework is legacy (Windows-only) framework. While .NET is entirely cross-platform
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Oh, is there a tutorial or something like that for this?
Buddy12mo ago
MODiX12mo ago
When creating a new project, prefer using .NET over .NET Framework, unless you have a very specific reason to be using .NET Framework. .NET Framework is now legacy code and only get security fix updates, it no longer gets new features and is not recommended. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569261465463160900/899381236617855016/unknown.png
Buddy12mo ago
Anything that doesn't say (.NET Framework) is .NET
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Oh,okay But I don't really want a web application
Buddy12mo ago
You can make anything there
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
And it will work just fine ?
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Also I can simply do that with visual studio code,no? Visual studio 2022/2023 isn't available on linux id I'm correct
Buddy12mo ago
Yes, but you need to know Dotnet CLI when working with Visual Studio Code. It also don't have the greatest C# support. JetBrains Rider exists for Linux, IOS and Windows. It is however paid (on a monthly basis). But there's fallback licenses and discounts. JetBrains Rider is my recommendation, it's also made specifically for .NET with Unreal Engine and Unity support. $vscode
MODiX12mo ago
Follow the instructions here on getting started with DevKit for C# in VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/csharp/get-started
Get started with C# and .NET in Visual Studio Code
Getting Started with C# and .NET Development in Visual Studio Code
Buddy12mo ago
MODiX12mo ago
There are two ways to get Rider for free: Being a student: https://www.jetbrains.com/community/education/#students Using it for an OSS project: https://www.jetbrains.com/community/opensource/#support
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Hmm,now my idea is to run a virtual machine on my linux with windows. I'll have some limitations,but I hope it will work. I don't need c# app dev. for personal projects, I need to learn this for a competition and I have 6 months to learn the basics of c# web/app development.
Buddy12mo ago
There is however EAP (Early Access Program) for JetBrains Products, including Rider. It's free to use and commercially usable; It isn't available 100% of the time and you have to re-activate it each 30th day. https://www.jetbrains.com/rider/nextversion/
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Thanks for the support anyway!
Arch Leaders
Arch Leaders12mo ago
vscode support is pretty good for C# now, not a full IDE but debugging is fairly good once you get setup. And the CLI is very easy to use.
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
I think visual studio is a little bit more advanced than vscode in c# app development
Buddy12mo ago
VSCode is still subpar, it's tedious to get started with unlike VS and Rider. You'd have to make a configuration to debug the project, and there's no GUI for csproj configuration. Sometimes you get ghost errors in VSCode (still).
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
But when you have to work with VS and no other programms....I don't have a choice right now I hope, maybe in the future, for more support for Linux
Buddy12mo ago
If you have to use VS or VSCode, I'd 100% go for VS.
Arch Leaders
Arch Leaders12mo ago
Yeah for Windows it doesn't make sense, I just found it pretty good on linux.
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
I don't have a choice...VS is what I have to use Or vim
Arch Leaders
Arch Leaders12mo ago
Well than you have to use a windows or mac VM, I don't think you can run VS through wine on linux
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
But I don't really want to move on vim or try it With a virtual machine you can....I hope
Arch Leaders
Arch Leaders12mo ago
If it's a VM you can, cause it replicates an OS
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
2gb of ram available, it will be a pain to code with that memory
Arch Leaders
Arch Leaders12mo ago
It'll probably be fairly slow though Yeah that'll be quite slow
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Yep, that's why I'm scared
Arch Leaders
Arch Leaders12mo ago
If it's your only option not much you can do about it
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Isn't there a online editor for that like replit or any other online code editors?
Buddy12mo ago
Is that the limit of your machine or the VM itself? or the competition
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
The competition
Arch Leaders
Arch Leaders12mo ago
Yes, but you might as well use vscode if you're going to use something like that
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
I have to use VS or notepad++...
Arch Leaders
Arch Leaders12mo ago
How can you use an online editor then?
Buddy12mo ago
I'm not getting what you're trying to say. You say you have to use VS or Notepad++ then you ask if you can use a browser instead. Before you asked if you could use VSCode
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
I don't really know what to do... I'm scared because I don't think that 6 months are enough to learn something like that
Buddy12mo ago
You can always rent a temporary Windows VPS for 6 months.
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Isn't that expensive or something like that?
Buddy12mo ago
Yeah, usually. But that would probably be cheating if the limit is 2GB RAM. no clue
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
I can't afford to pay for 6 months a vps just for a competition. I'll use a VM 2gb ram would be.... let's say "ok" but not really ok. I'll try to optimise my VM and os then start to code and create apps
Buddy12mo ago
You can always try to see how it is. I would imagine it's slow, but might be doable.
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Yeah. 10fps are just enough to code and test an app
Arch Leaders
Arch Leaders12mo ago
Pulx/Mars12mo ago
Hmm,c# app development is more interesting than I thought. I think I might move to it for a while. Seems more easy than React native
Monsieur Wholesome
Who is making you use it?
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