Pgsharp downloading problem.

i keep trying to download Pgsharp on different app websites since it’s not on the App Store. But they keep asking me to download other apps which I don’t trust. Can someone please help me? Btw, I have ios.
8 Replies
Pgsharp is only for Android For Ios there is Ipogo what i know
I have also tried downloading that. But it requires two download tools, one costs money, the other requires connecting my phone to my computer. Unless if I don't have another option, I don't want to do any of those.
Sry, dont know much more for Ios then Ipogo, wich cost you money
you’re good.
LdaGreatest2y ago
spoofing on IOS will get u suspended easy, i don’t suggest it what’s o ever
Even if I never perform actions that trigger cooldown while on cooldown?
LdaGreatest2y ago
i had done it, am 99% i didn’t have anything that would trigger anything, i played it safe safe, still got suspended
What spoofer did you use?

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