responsive container depend on list items

How i can make my container responsive Depend on number of items 1:1 col 1 row 2 :1 col 1 row 3 :2-2 4:2-2 >20:4-5 Thers dynamic with css
4 Replies
Wolle2y ago
If its depending on the number of items, you will probably need JS to set classes (or styles). Else grid and minmax could be what you are looking for: (you also could get creative with :has and :nth-child)
M@HeROP2y ago
Thanks i want to make card responsive If item >20 items i show 5 columns and 5row If >16 and <20 ==>4/5 Je nd the container max with is 900px I want to make it reponsive with out any condition
Å Marlon G
Å Marlon G2y ago A starter set up, and do as Wolle said – play with minmax for the correct sizing of elements. But remember that by saying items > 20 equals 5 col by 5 rows is inherently working a bit against responsiveness ...
Å Marlon G
Intrinsic CSS Grid – Card Elements
A responsive intrinsic grid for us, e.g. when amount of items is unknown. The width of each item is controlled by grid-template-columns, the height is...
M@HeROP2y ago
Ithanks I want when i have parameter comminc from api nbr of row and nbr of colum i want to divide parent div to this if number of element is many in scroll i show the rest with same nbr of col and row I mean i want in preview div i dvide it to nbr of col and row getted from api For example if i have 20 item and i have param 3 col 3 row i want always show 3x3 item in parent div when i scroll i show the next 9items I hope my idea i clear

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