C#2y ago

❔ Match literal escape strings with a regex

Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a simple regex so that each literal escape hexadecimal character notation is matched. For example, in the string "hey there \x68" , i'm interested in matching "\x68", and not the unescaped "h" character. I wrote the following Regex: "\x[0-9a-f]{2}", but it seems that the Regex.Matches method still looks at it like I'm trying to match characters using an escaped notation, as I have the following error: " Invalid pattern '\x[0-9a-f]{2}' at offset 3. Insufficient hexadecimal digits." Does anyone know how I can specify that I want the literal strings of the form "\xnn" to be matched, rather than the corresponding unescaped characters? Thanks!
15 Replies
can you paste the code like what string literal are you using as an argument to Regex "" or @"" because \ would be escaped
GautzillaOP2y ago
I tried either: string charASCIICodeRegex = "\\x[0-9a-f]{2}"; var Matches = Regex.Matches(line, charASCIICodeRegex); and: string charASCIICodeRegex = @"\x[0-9a-f]{2}"; var Matches = Regex.Matches(line, charASCIICodeRegex); without success
artya2y ago
have you tried
you have two different regex there
ero2y ago
it's that one yeah
MODiX2y ago
REPL Result: Success
Regex.IsMatch(@"\x68", @"\\x[0-9a-f]{2}")
Regex.IsMatch(@"\x68", @"\\x[0-9a-f]{2}")
Result: bool
Compile: 454.167ms | Execution: 30.453ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
cap5lut2y ago
as \ has an escape meaning in regex itself u need to escape that as well. so to match a backslash u need to use @"\\" or "\\\\" but u already have an issue here: what if the content is @"\\x1", it would match on the @"\x1" while its actually being escaped
GautzillaOP2y ago
OK Thanks everyone! I just kinda missed one layer of escape meaning. That makes sens! Whoops, I didn't think about that. It's for a simple AdventOfCode puzzle, so I don't know if I'll stump upon this issue, but that's a good point!
cap5lut2y ago
regexes are good for simple patterns but u might need an actual parser here but it depends on what u want to achieve, u can also just @"(\\+)x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})" and afterwards check if the first group has an odd length (if yes the last \ isnt escaped) to go further
ero2y ago
i don't understand this at all lol how would that match when we have {2}
cap5lut2y ago
aah, yeah, it doesnt, my focus was on the backslash, not on the hexadecimal number
ero2y ago
cap5lut2y ago
assume the content was \\x10 ;p, it would match on the \x10 but the \ is actually escaped
GautzillaOP2y ago
Yup, I didn't even notice that you put only one hex digit, but I got the idea. Thanks!
cap5lut2y ago
note, that depending on context \\x10 could still be resolved to backslash + the escape hexadecimal notation
Accord2y ago
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