Cloudflare Websites are loading forever!!!

I've been waiting for a website to load for hours, this happens to multiple Cloudflare websites, such as Disboard. I am loosing it, I hate this, I can't even do the captcha, because it starts loading, page refreshes, then loads from the start again. 🥺 Please help me! <a:cat_beg:803816505648480257>
7 Replies
zegevlier•15mo ago
Can you please share the ray ID at the bottom of the page you censored? It's safe to share and will help diagnose the issue
BenitzCoding•15mo ago
7e58dbbfff00b01d Any updates? I still want the Issue fixed... I have the same issue... BigCry Can you Please! Help us! I've tried different Browsers too: 7e67bf22a9c5098d ewoiuhngdtfbuikjyghjwbeyufhdfbuyiv I can't!!! THIS IS SOO ANNOYING!!!
Bobby Donchev
Bobby Donchev•15mo ago
works fine from here (Germany)
DaniFoldi•15mo ago
could it have been related to ? can you please check if it's working now?
Bobby Donchev
Bobby Donchev•15mo ago
still works
Yatsuki•15mo ago
maybe ur network is infected
muslax•15mo ago
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