`connect(): Connection refused` in Vitest setup file

i'm getting
workerd/util/symbolizer.c++:95: warning: Not symbolizing stack traces because $LLVM_SYMBOLIZER is not set. To symbolize stack traces, set $LLVM_SYMBOLIZER to the location of the llvm-symbolizer binary. When running tests under bazel, use `--test_env=LLVM_SYMBOLIZER=<path>`.
workerd/jsg/util.c++:277: info: exception = kj/async-io-unix.c++:1526: disconnected: connect(): Connection refused
workerd/util/symbolizer.c++:95: warning: Not symbolizing stack traces because $LLVM_SYMBOLIZER is not set. To symbolize stack traces, set $LLVM_SYMBOLIZER to the location of the llvm-symbolizer binary. When running tests under bazel, use `--test_env=LLVM_SYMBOLIZER=<path>`.
workerd/jsg/util.c++:277: info: exception = kj/async-io-unix.c++:1526: disconnected: connect(): Connection refused
1 Reply
MrBBot•2y ago
Hey! 👋 What is your worker doing? Any chance you could share your code or a minimal reproduction? 🙂

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