How to make sure wildcard worker doesn't trigger on specific routes?

I have a wildcard worker that basically works as a rewrite proxy to my pages domain, on the old version of the workers dashboard it was quite easy to mark certain routes to not trigger any worker, however on the new combined dashboard I can't figure out how to do this? Currently I have as a custom domain on my pages project, and my wildcard worker is still being triggered which I want to avoid, can anyone help with this?
3 Replies
Chaika2y ago
Under your zone -> Workers Routes (, you can add Worker: none routes to disable wildcard running on it
Chaika2y ago
opps that should be* but yea
EpailesOP2y ago
Thanks! I didn't notice that option was still there under the zone controls and thought it had all been moved to account level! (marked this as solved)

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