needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.
every single website that uses cloud flare does this, i tried turning my anti virus off, scanning for malware, vpns, clearing cashe, i switched browers i don't know what to do
52 Replies
time to fix your website
Are you using a public proxy? Or parhaps a large organization/business network? Or maybe an old/uncommon browser?
Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing
i use opera gx, i use my home network
its just the cloudflare thing
where it does the captcha
but the captcha is just loading
and doesnt load
Go to the developer console and lurk into the errors you get
fix website i cba
What you mean with cba?
just fix the trash website
not hard
im using the app
just tell me how to fix it

stop ignoring
wakeu p
discord uses cloudflare
it doesnt but sure
Have you been doing any scraping? That tends to be a common cause of this.
whats discord
is that like irc
whats scraping
Basically making automated requests to sites to try and grab content from them for one reason or another
If you are getting captchas, malicious traffic is coming from your IP for one reason or another.
Scraping is a common reason, port scanning can also be. If you're making a lot of automated requests to sites or port scanning IPs, your IP reputation is going to not be good
i have no idea what your talking about bruh
what is port scanning ips
what do you use your computer and or home network for mainly?
im thinking about anything that might be triggering this potentially
either something on your network is infected or you are running something that's getting you flagged
i have avast anti virus
so does my brother
my mum barely uses the internet
so yea idk
i just use me pc for gaming
ignore me then
Just Google it I can show you how as soon as I'm @ home
i googled it and nothing came up
since the idiots who make the forums just delete it
@donquaviousfinklebottomjr.iii can you answer this question? do you use any sort of vpn or similar service like the one @Loski mentioned here?
i used vpn, and without vpn didnt work
also is it just you or everyone on that network who gets the captchas?
no one else uses cloudflare websites
so without vpn you get captchas, with vpn you do not?
i get captchas with both
and neither load
doubt that very much
like a fifth of the internet is behind cloudflare
anyways im trying to narrow down what it could be
it started when i went on nexus modding website,
dk if it happened with anything eles
my guess is that you're is almost certainly infected with malware
this is actually fairly common
is there a way i can fix
wait ill do a full pc scan
which antivirus/antimalware?
avast antivirus
paid versio ntho
dk if its good
i had norton but it didnt even work
try downloading malwarebytes and running a scan of the machine
just gonna do avast scan first tho
then ill download malware bytes
is malware bytes better than avast
should i get kasper sky then
how muc per month if u know
how come
what is tls
basically avast will make changes to your machine to let it intercept, read, and modify your encrypted communications. this is definitely not something you want.
trying to be as simple as possible with my explanation here.
just wanna know
does it also reduce performance?
like internet pc ect
avast web protection? yeah probably, you're definitely not loading pages as quickly if it's forcing h1
what about like fps wise
i mainly use my pc for gaming
people probs dont wanna do that tho
in someway its kinda like telling someone in 2020 to take their covid mask off
if you get me
Nah this is a bit different. There's normal AV protection, and then this, which IMO exposes you to more risk generally
ok, what exposes me to more risk
the h11?
This is advice, not a problem solution, but:
- Avast and other companies make their money by convincing regular people that they also need their products, but in 99% of cases you don't. You should just uninstall Avast, the entire thing. It's bloatware and garbage. Also any time you have internet issues like this, it is going to be a possible culprit.
- Turn on Windows Defender, it is a very good protection service that comes with Windows. It's free, and it does not cause any meaningful performance issues. Microsoft keeps it updated constantly.
- Install Windows updates regularly
- Run Malwarebytes every month on your computer
- That is complete protection for home computers that costs nothing and doesn't cause interference with services like Cloudflare
(Or create a powershell script that automatically downloads all the latest updates. It's just 2-3 Lines of small batch and powershell code, like I did and put it into the auto start folder (don't forget to make it run as administrator)
1. my mum makes me us a anti virus
2. is there any other anti virus software that isnt bloatware like avast
Windows Defender.
It's quite good these days and comes built-in with most Windows computers so you don't need to pay extra.
Back on track though, @donquaviousfinklebottomjr.iii are you still having the captcha issue? Were you able to identify any malware on your computer?
there was malware yes
thx for theh elp
No problem, glad we could help!